Southern Africa Odyssey 2025
September 7-17, 2025
Prices starting at $16,995
Please call our tour operator at:


Zambia & Zimbabwe Weather & Climate   Winter/Dry Season

During the dry winter months of April through early September, the days are warm, but the nights and early mornings can become very cold (sometimes even near or below freezing)! We will provide cozy comforters to keep you warm during your stay.

Many travelers assume that because they are traveling to Africa, it must always be warm. This is not the case during Zambia and Zimbabwe’s winter, however, particularly in June, July and August. You can expect days to be absolutely beautiful, temperate and sunny, but nights and early mornings will be chilly, possibly near freezing, so we recommend you bring warm layers you can peel off as it warms up through the day. A lightweight down jacket or fleece pullover is ideal. Gloves, hat, scarf and warm long pants are also essential at this time of year for early-morning wildlife drives.